For years, people have told me that I should share my stories or consider pursuing a career as a stand-up comedian. Friends, family, co-workers, even complete strangers. At first, I brushed off their suggestions with a laugh, dismissing them as casual compliments but as time went on and the encouragement continued, it began to linger in the back of my mind.

And now, with the advent of social media, I’ve decided that moment has arrived. I made the decision to take them up on their offer and dive into the world of storytelling and comedy. With platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, I can now connect with my friends and family in a very new way, tell the stories that bring my unique, comedic perspective to the forefront. Armed with my experiences, humor, an iPhone, and the power of social media I’ve yet again started a new chapter in life filled with laughter, creativity, and the limitless potential of the internet.

In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.

— Andy Warhol

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